Lewis Yuen, Mi Amor

7:14 PM

Lewis Yuen

These are by far, my favourites of us.. 
Considering how photogenic(not!) we are, I'd say these are actually pretty good :) & with a not-so-professional camera either.


I just felt like I should post these, so we can re-live those lovely memories just for a moment.
Or whenever we both feel like we're in a bad mood.

I hope you're reading this, Lewis Yuen.
For you, are my Sealy.

I know no one will understand that, except you.

Anyway.. Let's get on with it, shall we?

Lewis Yuen, what soft hair you have.

So this photo of us was taken in Pavilion, KL when we went home for Chinese New Year holidays.
I guess you could say this was candid, cause you kept pushing my head & made me laugh right as I clicked the shutter. 
But it turned out to be a real good photo in the end, lucky you!

LewisYuen & AudreyYap
Lewis Yuen, what straight teeth you have.

LewisYuen & KissyFace
Lewis Yuen, you need to learn to pout.

When Lewis Yuen doesn't know what to pose, kiss!

My first day wearing this pretty new scarf out. Total steal for only $5, if i might add but that's not the point of this. I wanted to #ootd, but instead we took many pictures.
The lighting was really good! And it was such a windy day, hence the flying hair.

These were taken right before the bus came & we went for dinner at Louca's Seafood Grill.
The food was so good! Especially the Grilled Octopus! The Moreton Bay Bugs were good as well. Aren't you super grateful and glad that I introduced you to them, baby?

It was the best birthday dinner I've ever had.

Thank you so much for that. I promise I'll find a really nice place for your birthday this year <3

Lewis Yuen's standard pose.



These photos were taken at River Torrens, Adelaide. After a long period of no human contact due to hibernation at home, we decided to attend the Malaysian Society BBQ! 
Besides, it was just a gold coin, so worth it!

Little did we know, the line was so long, and when it reached our turn, they ran out of chicken.
So we had to wait..

& when it was finally cooked, we only got 2 little chicken wings.

Nevertheless, it was an amazing day because the weather was perfect and the scenery was beautiful.
I just had to saviour the moment with a photo.
Or actually, a few photos.. HEHE.

LewisYuen SmallEyes

This photo was taken back at Gray Street. This is probably not long after we got back from KL in August 2014 cause my hair is still flaming red/pink. 
Can't believe I had such bright hair.. But never again. It's time to go natural, for a more professional & decent look.

You really love this photo. Its even your profile picture on facebook.
I know you only like it because it's the only photo we took that my eyes look as small as yours.
Well, enjoy it baby. It's the only one you're ever going to get!

LewisYuen Beanie
Lewis Yuen, you wear too many beanies.

This was one of our first photos.
Right after we first got together.
It was sort of our "coming out" to the world photo, I guess you could say..

My hair was still really long, & that jacket of yours is probably deep in your luggage, locked away under the bed. Hehe. No worries, cause 

"Winter Is Coming"
- Game of Thrones

Okay, that was lame. But I just had to do it..

LewisYuen Plane

Our first photo on the plane together! 
We were flying home to KL. 
That MAS blanket kinda makes it look like I'm wearing a sari or something.

For the entire flight, you slept so comfortably. Probably cause your leg was sort of on top of me.

Lewis Yuen, what red lips you have.

Can you see it? I stole your sweater!
Your lips look redder than mine here, idek why..

When Lewis Yuen looks like a kid.

 This photo.
Well, I don't have to say much about this photo or where we took it.
I'm pretty sure you'll remember it just as much as I do..
& we'll probably never forget it either. 

All I have to say is, the events leading to this photo, was the happiest moment we've ever had.

To many many more moments like those.. Which I have no doubt that we will, in the near future. 


I'm sure by now, you know that there's a reason to why I wrote this.
I know I'm late.. But I had writer's block, up till now.
There were supposed to be 10 photos, to signify the 10 amazing months of ups & downs that we've been together. 
But I couldn't help but add 2 more cause I thought they were all really beautiful photos of us.

As they say, a photo says a thousand words.
Or in this case, even more than a thousand words. Because even a thousand words couldn't describe or explain the love and feelings I have for you.

These photos..
It's to remember all the good times we've had. 
& even though good times often come in packages with bad times as well, we always push through and come out stronger.
Stronger than we've ever been as an individual or with anyone else.

Everything I do, I do for you.
& I do to show you how much I appreciate you.
I hope you know that. & I know you always say, that I'm the only one who has ever treated you like you're worth it. But you're the same for me too.


I'd like to thank you very very much for everything you have done for me.
Yes, that also includes the expensive gifts.
I am very thankful for them even when you so stubbornly buy them when I tell you not to.
Save you money for our future, alright dear?
I Love You, my Lewis Yuen.

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